United States Aikido Federation (USAF) is a non-profit educational institution created for the purpose of spreading and maintaining the integrity of the Japanese martial art of Aikido, as exemplified and developed by its Founder, Master Morihei Ueshiba, and as disseminated by the Aikikai Foundation, Aikido Hombu Dojo, the Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
The main aims of the USAF are to develop and guide the practice and instruction of Aikido as established by Hombu, to promote and develop good will, fellowship and lines of communication among its members, to standardize gradings, to register dan (senior level) grades with Hombu, and to establish and maintain close contact with the Shihan (master teachers) officially dispatched as representatives by Hombu.
To accomplish this, the USAF organizes, promotes and conducts Aikido demonstrations and seminars, encourages activities of member dojos, and researches, studies and publishes information and materials pertaining to Aikido.
The business affairs of the USAF are conducted by a Board of Governors that meets on a regular basis. Responsibility for technical issues, including the planning and implementation of activities such as lectures and courses, the development of qualifications and requirements for the appointment of advanced teaching licensees (Shidoin and Fukushidoin), the establishment of grading requirements and the supervision of all other activities necessary for the dissemination and advancement of Aikido, rests with a Technical Committee consisting of a group of Shihan resident in North America.
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